
Shred And The City 24.12.2004


Merry Christmas 2004!

Featuring Bocchio Führer on keyboards.

9.16   15 6689 kuuntelua
Light Rock

The Shred-sorcist - Theme From BTS3 OST 18.02.2004


Theme from the upcoming instructional guitar video Born To Shred III.

9.55   8 4892 kuuntelua

Uli's Twang 26.11.2002


Uli Con Texas - guitar | Klaus M. Schäfer - vocals. Recorded at Fat Crabbin' Studios last Autumn 2001.

8.83   4 3312 kuuntelua
Love Metal

Persepolis Pt. III 26.11.2002


|| Persepolis Pt. III : The Novice And The Shredder ||
I - Into The Infinite Twilight (0:00 - 0:47)
II - Throne Of Lost Innocence (0:48 - 1:06)
III - Mazda 323 Overture (1:07 - 1:18)
IV - The Inevitable Shredfest (1:19 - 1:35)
V - Into Battle (1:36 - 2:10)
VI - Caught In A Saab (2:11 - 2:30)
VII - Crab\'s Kitchen (2:31 - 2:51)
VIII - Another Solo (2:52 - 3:11)
IX - Fatal Stallion (3:12 - 3:31)
X - Uli Carries On (3:32 - end). Recorded at Con Carne Residence last Autumn 2001.

8.7   6 4340 kuuntelua
War Metal

Infinite Warrior 26.11.2002


Recorded at Con Carne residence last Autumn 2001.

9   4 2988 kuuntelua
Progressive Rock

Tommy's Garage (medley) 25.10.2002


Live jam recorded with MD at Tommy's Arctic Garage Oct '00.
Mr. Crab - guitar |
Uli Rottweiler - guitar |
Tommy The Machine Gunn - pots n' pans | Yoko GroßFabrik - bass

8.5   4 2342 kuuntelua

Rebirth - Born To Shred II Theme Song (ei tiedossa)


First song ever recorded at Fat Crabbin' Studios!

9.67   4 2932 kuuntelua
Love Metal

Miss You (Like A Maniac) (ei tiedossa)


Another heinous lovesong..

9   1 3889 kuuntelua
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