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The Nirins oak, Infinitive eternality 2

People might explane to you that you are wrong or doing everything wrong and that means you a dead in theyre eyes. You might be right when people kill you for more and wrong when you die a bit more.
Evermore. Brutal insanity is your final test to survive.
Ofcourse you know that people dont die in the infinity.
Relax, everybodys your friend and we win the completion.
It might be that people sharing a different plan are the climax to end sometime,
but we are discovering something else and it might end to a thing more wisely to die. Im meaning that we die because unity of insanity.
People discover death when things are to end.
Good to be good and bad to me a nightmare.
Like i said many things, i now correct that jesus krist is and should allways come to a dream perfect. Jesus krist cannot be all wrong...hah a loving heart, i heard.
Still you have to know that being jesus is not the answer to everything. You my individual is completing the thing without being a standard of high status or high mark in reality. You my apostol are supreme still without a shine that is impulsed to you. I love you and gods...A step fowards and high expectations about you and gods. You are the leader in things to come, Dont let the dream go down.

Chapter 21 A nonsmoking and nondrinking week.

Ended. It felt impossiple.

Chapter 22 Heaven for a unity.

Everything is more by being good and completing fruits for all. Everything is less if seed hell. feed hell is a different thing. Being good is right and being bad is wrong. Lucifer...aaah.

Chapter 23 A Martyre of life

You might be allready surrendering to a murder. No matter what, you must be good if you whant any heaven. People in the end will loose being bad. People was about to kill me beacause of...again with insane reasons. So you can only die for a reason that is giving you the reward.
Important! you cannot archieve anything without being bad to anyone. The war of justice would be a thing to suffer.
Yes ourlife time loops. So be good to be anything more.
Every substance will be given exact win in the perfect completion. The life of yours will be manytimes, but you get forcely things more.
Rememeber we are heading to unified heaven.
Exact. Surrounding people are you and things what births.
People are like you then. Right or killing. The enviroment mirrors your heaven. God wont like your primitive flame. The surrounding enviroment is not something to kill. People who kills is dead in the eye of god...hah! or maybe not.
People high are too understanding a matter of helping people low, deep,
hellfull. Build your knolidge high,large and understand world in high status. Or be a messenare of my cult to find out more about success and failure.

Chapter 24 The path of rightness


Love is complicated its bleeded with pain. Reality really is logical. Perfect reality is my dream. Build hell to heavens for yours sake. My path is endless and ill be collecting fruits after fruits for reality to birth freedom and sanity. Your every penetration might be to win,
but we must live to save the dream. Dont kill to safe, only win life more.


The absolute is that you must kill to save yourself, but suffering to complete perfect heaven is to be seriously thinked option and i think
is the only right way. Everything according to me means that everything
would be for everyone. A heaven is to breed more life. Its real, it gets to that.
Im happy about infinity to only prosess to a completion. Its again to save everything, everyone and the infinity. Good are the things perfect.
To point yourself against the reality would be nonfruitfull, a wrong attitude, against life. The life is to build around every directions.
What to choose is the thing. Individuals with morale win the thing. I think life and my own is perfect to ever win for your evil causes.


Life in this world gets to fixing everything. So nothing is that world would be wrong. Heaven wants everyone alive...I messenge that everything cannot be wrong. The thing is not grave, we must win heaven to be a unity of human. When we brake the limits in the metafysics we obtain a knolidge to be infinitive and contineus. Now we masterate eternal life... The thing unfriendly is to win over. No worryes my dear individual. Sometimes experienced that the things wrongly computed falled
because not good for everybody. That ended to satanic laugh over bad actions. Ha! be sure that infinity is the thing to reach.


Im forever waiting to good to get better and better to be the best. Everything is now sacred to complete. To lessen, emulate, kill and decide
otherone is again very wrong. Suffer for your climax. Suffer the pain of life for the other. What and who can really reward you if you deliver not.
People are pleased with you if you did the thing enough...hah never enough. The brothers and sisters of this madness of blood will save the universum.
Keep yourself good.


Wonderland, The paradice of yours exist on a planet of mine. Anytime the force
is on you and we party for the cause of mine and your completiments. Wonderland of mine can never be wrong, wonderland its the thing only good. Wonderland is the climax of mine. I am the one to birth a dream for your existance. Your dirty dream gonna be mine.


Respect human. Human is holy and you need serious theraphy if not. Build yourself with positive solutions and youll complete everything perfectly.
Godly is the machine of counters of syntaxes and everything will save you at the end. You supposed to be universal. You cannot be more if your love is not for everyone. You win, you good and succesful more if do so and now the circle of eternal life can be your home. The dirt of yours will stay. Remember not to seed hell. Its forbidden.


I will babtise all my infinitive people to a eternal life with my might with
the spirits around my sphere. It can be with the actual touch or a touch of spiritual force of teologically finished people. Teologics nowadays are with me and my trusted ones. I will spread things around, giving you more space to
use to. I will not send you to a nightmare around you, or a success waited. I will bring heaven. At least knock the reality to give answers.

Chapter 25 A babtice of the eternal life

A human touch and the water. Father the god and flesh kneels. A human son and krist will bleed. A cup of logics and gods will go in a dissharmony, but we will bleed a thing enough to ever distrubt the harmony. A supreme god broken and we will be a eternal nightmare to live
or a complete disastor to me and my apostols to solute out.

" The spirit of a krist and only saviour of human is called to impulse this holy matter of infinitive saveing of love supreme. God is a man me and I now babtise this individual to top of the heavens and bring the testament of infinitive result"

it is really very logical to babtice people this way. It is the only way to be sure about completion next to be perfect finality to step to.

Chapter 25 A Death of your dreams.


Lucifer died when it was birthed and hell grows with hes might and force. Jesus where eated, surrounded and killed. Gabriel where untrusted and disbelieved.
The truth died with a might of primal force. God where unpowerfull with the supreme laws to die in our time. I died by a spirits of hell bleeded monsters. Do your ding du di dang and you will be leaded to success and falls.
Never man can tell if its the truth, but your passion is from your heart. Wise people can forever understand something perfect.
Dont kill to hold your dreams, beacuse everybody are here to share it. I know ill be back and superiozise the world with a might of my correction.
You never win more than a perfect life to tear it to me and to unrealistic targets
like me. I am a god, saint, martyre and a saviour of the lost ones. Never you or bad people will win you and me.
In the evening you soon discover that nobodys purely your thing. Ofcourse people looking for safety, but still not ever your full thing though. In the night i wait for full surrender. To the goal you have to measure rigth
and obeyments. It might be that you surrender to primal goals, but remember the we infinitive is people with a plan correct. People will malfunction if you brake the circulation of blood or nerval systems. We obtain a good reason to be good, when you get older...hah hah hah!
You die with the people you feed...Heh heh naah it can be me! Well think about the adam and eve and youll fill the aswer to a question that how many people can be good anymore. You dont be a sacrifyse, youll be a hope to our klan. You well know how where everything started and you know that we gained a telepathical force. People before were different and now our journey is ending to the climax of bravery and to the contineus plan of infinitive life. We live our life just to birth more. We might be a swapped reality to complete a completion. Start beliveing that all our days are to
completing things with positive touch. Things all high are with goodnes of
theyres heart. David the god and yours worry. Lusifer the god in a very trust might be died to be a female conquer of infinitive disastor in testostarone. Female dont birth a dream to a man. Man waits for a god of everything perfect. The men and females are waiting small of your delivery. So be with your
hearts passion and contribute your effort to save the infinity. By now you might understand that the death of you dreams mean the execution of your spiritual changes to be anything higher if dont simply compute your console "your head" positively everyday.

Chapter 26 The steps of the infinity.


Now we exeeded to the tap and we are waiting the completion of the steps of heaven.

Step 1

Perfected you and your dearly best existance to yours to complete. You alone fill the thing for you and them. You are birthed with a might
that be your final lure. You alone can have infinitive mind to infinitively be and
sacredly complete your dream for another. A minimalistic world.

Step 2

The second step is the unified things shared to every existance to birth you with
every and any brain copyed to yours brain. So youll be like everybody and saved with pistols. To step to anothers thing is a passport to arcieve. People are sacred with the might of the gods and the sea of crusified people.
So every heaven is for good people only. We dont grow apart when we need a solution
better. We are united with a heavenly touch of compared perfection and a supreme god to handle and feed our pleasures.

Step 3

And the circulation of life will be a complete things to handle. A letter and a passion
you want to them to feel. A bird of peace and we will all want to step to a bloody testament of yours will. I will be forever yours and we will make up our destiny to share a beautifull dream.

Step 4

A world of controll is the thing to arcieve and we use our angels and familiar things to arcieve that. Spirits like me and you will feed the enviroment of people to birth more actividity on earth.
A infinitive life aint far. We will fight for a mass of hungry eyes of hell resurrected ones.
And the judgement day is here near everywhere.

Step 5

We born again and the first word to me is "i welcome love to be on your side".
The death shall be nomore and we all laugh and cry. We go another round.
I will sleep around 4 years and complete the We infinitive.
Then we will go to a next space in the death of our knolidge about the world.
Small and tall, we allways look for a solution. Solution here and in the infinitive time.
Go saving people if you need to...hah...The death forgives no one.
Maybe we will conquer this master plan or maybe we will wait.
In the devils diary we will see a truth of well knowed perfection to yours
to masterate with a caution to be very wary. The people are sure about the perfection
so be like things are happening to you for a reason.
Deja wu and the climax is more than you can ever understand.
Cleaver, you understand maybe that you live long. Yes youll understand that we land.
Well wait for god because its not allowed that anything would change the course of
life in the next life. So we will only experience a fuel of perfected masteration of
our dark dreams. Yes love god, we all are a fire of infinitive destruction.
You no good, i know, you kill me and i will kill and save.
Im troubled with your wrath and well all be doomed at the end.
Death is good to become good and life is love with a big effort of masteration.
Lureing people to grave of yours is the major thing of understanding.
Your bones and fading brain can now be a currency well accepted.
And ill be the letter man with love and never exist to your pain.
Yes i will not exist like people more. Guess that will be nonlogic and interessing.
Me here, me there and me nowhere. You can then love aliens of joke and die with
unknodige. Me and we will be everywhere else and torture your feelings like never before.
You are to be founded with a touch of death and we will save things you to laugh.
Yes we are fair and we will slughter your passion of a death of common kill.
People can be that high...remember to be gentle to our ancistors.

Step 6

Everyone should have a personal god graduated from heaven. Force and might to you from the endless possibilities
and a eternal friend with your aim. A reasons thinked over and infinity up on the earth could roll on.
Completing life will be then a interess of well careing system. Well organizated and centered force from philosophy
higher can then brake the limits of our existing.

Chapter 27 Revelations of my early past.

I was born in the year of 1981 spring and everything normal. I were a young child mutilated
somewhow in mode unconzusnes and were playful kid. first meeting of a dark forces were nightmares and
dreams of future events and a early abduction by aliens in the year 1984, i were 4 years old.
Life of mine is and was planned before me and the spacemen seeded my furute chaos.
About spaceman we can say are wise and superlogic. Like something superior like the extremely bright light
what i saw in year close 2002. It bringhtened more and more untill it scares you out, like close your eyes and
fall asleep into thing speculated to be a snow white dream of infinitive time and thing about all possible events,
things compared and executed finally in the end. A vision of Jesus Krist in the mirror and we well now know
that the things were computed to be a death of a martyre by a simple plan of dooming me. We too now that we are muppets
in control of my intellectual emulation what i whant you to brake free. Your memories and acts are forhand easily
guessed and people allready play around with the emulation. Yes you have been allready readed. The spaceman is
a superlogic, peacefull and powerfull god of mykind of logics. I allways whant now to you to go into a spaceman.
We infinity. A people lover. A solution master. The bringer of light. A overseen man. A superior intelligent man
of the simple fucking understanding of humanlife syntaxes. Humanoids you well know are a fact dissagreed and suspesious somehow.
A spacepeople in flesh. One theory is that theyre humans developed futher in evolution and conquered time. One time travel failed
were the well known rosswell incident. A spaceman and humans flesh seeded together...aah makes now sense the thing future of bright light.
Yes a heaven might be a space you to be untill a next birth what is forcefull beacause of important events and development in the hell evolution.
Ahead of the prosess you can now be with me without any chilldish hate or matters of pittifull killing. Theology now started to be in a revolution.
Everything what human rises in now the thing about manufacturing gods from us. Infinitive people and furure being the extreme peak of superb evolution.
Many lifes and slow prosess and oneday youll be a spaceman. Your body and soul are different. you get into your body with indentificatium syntax of
your own impulse. I know i was apart sometime and loosed breath because no capsule...people went high in insane rally in must be spiritual sanctuary.
yes world is painfull and raw...why dont why have even fruited cels and eat looping blood. My human existance know well that you miss much things and
are reaped and mutilated to be less. Zombies and a death of your timeplasma and twisted nano biology. Like much, i say a peace is only with dead result.
Mutilated timeplasma might be errors in your lifetime syntaxes.

Chapter 28 A heavy consume of perfect fluid.

Talk with Krist about conzusness temple thing...you are a masterpiece of god and only you are the thing best for you.
The Krist chosen to kill me forever and i say goodbye to things more. Forever you win with being a good fellow.
About me is the endless fight to get anything anymore...yeah the thing jesus is quite funny. If he dont like you dont get any and you cannot really
have a normal relationship with him. Yeah killing continues and never stop. By the way its the spiritual bood.
A step to infinitity a step to blood running stream of kristianity. You die oh yeah, many died for reason fucking insane. Me the prohibited one is the only way to know about world nowadays.
Muumi world is a world without fluid extreme. Nonlogic nightmare abducts you to a full painfull completion. Yes my birthal is used now with
a new indiviluals and it might get now low. You well now atleast now that virtual death of another one is your own death.
You ofcource know that death is the thing that you feed hell and you die...atleast when lifting it. When you win everything feels unlimited, but its nothing higher.
Humanrace is based to survive and nowadays world is dieng. Hell you got to have a brilliant reasons for killing.
If you cant take anybody to heaven you suffer a loss. Higher completion needs a godly wisdom. Some people might even think yours own prosess is not your own.
Meaning the other is your final climax and everything is on fire with the people. People will settle down, like people with me and together the heaven can grow.
Young people fight about stupidity and everything end to a completion. Fuel of love will end if you loose your thing only to hate and forgive you purpose.
Jesus forgives and everything in the heaven is right, but dont trust that you dont have to compute love.
Human might hate a human, but it seems to be a familary hate of something same than you. We miss completion, but no killing in the climax.
So be saving and teaching people. Your final purpose is feeding and dieng for the people. Just when me was about to be killed to homo, i was able to ask that why
my relationship with Krist cant be changed and we found a reason to survive a better tomorrow. Now my existanse might now flower higher and we all find peace then.
At the end of this chapter i can say we smell ancient or atleast different when comparing the things in the heavens kingdom. We know by now that heaven is builded endlesly greater and thats the infinity.
Now we are then a homosama humans. Meaning our completion and life will extend with people.

Chapter 29 Sitting and suffering intelligent lower

Well things are mutual when understanding the compute infintity daily, but lower construction of brain allows nothing complete to enjoy like completed people enjoy life.
Society atleast where i sit is complete and people might rise with allready planned systems and be high, good, hansom, beautifull and having a great purpoce of existing.
When things are not flowering in the full potential we all in our group think this only life of ours did not prosessed right way and the perfection failed.
We reached the filosophy to the deadend of suffering it trough like things never are complete and the syntaxes in seconds, hours and daily are waiting for
you. Our brain wait for heaven and all the low and stupid things may now be buried away. Bad things gone away and good things to stay and i say im fair.
My try of saving the universum dont go wrong if you see the light on my education. Dark matter all wrong and suffering blood now only wise thing to turn.
Wise way to live is with my filosophy and help needed now over the clobe when you ever finish your hell. Well after being sad and complaining that the thing
is too low, i experienced a spiritual maturing in the thing around me and now maybe the is allright. When new people are coming i thing the elevating things and consuming things are
different. So if you are a saviour of the thing you are the thing, if not you are bad people. Well after all you complete life in few hours and atleast in a day.
Very climax of life purpose is runned in the present and builded for the furure and dont think that world in a days are the world that counts.
Aarg! your martyre completiment in all the way is important and like Lennon failed we win.


Total finality seems to be that i overcome everything
that any human can and logic of everything is to win in perfection. a one way labyrint. No one can now mock you or me in anyway,
because we are now graduated in the life with supreme loving. In no way you are to be denied of everlasting heaven. Total finality is the life even in the next galaxy.
Remember that everyone is the krist. Sun flowers are big flowers! My book is now ready and everything fine.
i gone to earn my living and chopping my ways through.
Surely i die a happy man.
The cup is full.
ape is final.
Me too:)


My life is my pray. God i live for you.
Here i was let to born. Here we have the sun.
Your light guides our way and your heart is now our love.
We respect the infinity and live with the fruits from your nature.
Our force together may reach to heavens.
Bless the souls of love to us.
God you i breath and lay my trust.
With Positive solutions only is my spirization.
Only the best you give and to infinity we can now belong to.
In the hights of heaven we build our community.
Your picture to us is holy. Your human is sacred and loved.
The positive climax is our destiny.

Author: Leo Wilhelm Lindroos (Luteric babtise),

Sleepy Rose (Vampire)

Rottweiler (Devil name)

Spirit name (Spiritus Nirin)

The people around of my infinitive sphere

Al Pacino, David Bowie, Ozzy Osbourne, Dracula, Nina Backman, Miika Forsblom,
August kilponen, Ville Valo, Lars Lindroos, Otto Lindroos, Mikko Nylund, Pekka Kemppainen, Pirkko Kallio,
Bäni, Mika Jäävaara, Mika Pirinen, Steven Tyler, Kaapo Keskisarja, Tomi Kallio, Andy McCoy, Nicklas Kavander, Pasi Rautiainen, Trent Treznor. Ibrahim Racid. Jesus krist.
Tupac Shakur, Eric Clapton, Brian Jonhson and all others that i love.

Date 14-03-08

Paradice forced.
Handeling with fire.
The torment of infinitive wrath. A martyre completiment.A spaceman logics

Bonus material

A Interview of Spiritus Nirins exellence.

People ask: So what is the completion then heading?

Nirin: We are heading to the exact spiritual summoning, meaning world is very simple when it occurs to human syntaxes. Simple structure of existing world is a reachable thing in spiritual enjoyment, but the wrath of blood will take apart. With the filosophy and teology in Nirinism now reached we can now build the completion to everyone and it will be the thing not to be shame about. The structure of world will change in time meaning possible communism and sacred way to complete life in the filosophy summoning as the unified martyre completion.
It means that we know god and the best way to compute life in perfect flowering and the perfect things are allways with your passion of the deep Nirinism.

People ask: Where the gods live?

Nirin: Gods are higher than us and living in down forced force like pyramids, spiritually focused.Rivers flow to lakes and lakes to sea and back to the air. Gods live in the space believed to be heaven and have a higher purpose of existing. We all come like gods, if we karma things to heavens and sometimes we come back on the earth to complete life in this seriously thinked root of the fuel and act for gods.

People ask: What is the judgement day?

Nirin: The judgement day is a thing when everything is balanced with judging the result of biljons of perfections and it certainly not mean anything to end. Nobody atleast now dont know if gods change the route of things, but atleast in heaven you find out the power of the infinity. In everyway the karma is important and the completion in the spiritual superiority, meaning a commune of love to exeed positively more. When talking about the life exeeded to higer level we know that everything will be saved and not judged rawly. Everything will be forgiven, but karma is the way to success. In heaven is a place for you anyway, but only in the end and maybe you live many life before that. You are a big plan.

People aks: How the god made himself?

Nirin: God is the thing to humans that have no face and form, but is true that human has taken a somehow fake form and gods human powers. God is a superior climax of power and a logics as rock. God might know the aswer, but i tell that it is like you made yourself. The galaxy and space was birthed from the blow of force against the infinitive space of nonfilled potential.

People ask: How i can be high?

Nirin: Like said many times your glow is not focused to be in you and you glow like the beautifullest thing on earth. In your darkness i take apart like a savior of salvating your purpose. You maybe think quite black and the conzusnes temple cross will fit in you like a completion perfect is and all human completions come simple in furure like things then are only common. People atleast communicative with telepacy of higher contact are loved much like god forces with all his might. Everything meaning you are now high enough.

People ask: What can life be after death?

Nirin: The life after death can be consumed by higher soulkeepers, but in the end youll be free. Nobody suffers eternally. You then born again or have a purpose in the heaven. You might get your past life to handle and experience again like it would mean the everything. You will have things fullfilled and then you are a ready bullet.
You can not fear dieng at all, if you do not exist i can tell its heaven and god mented it to be more.

people aks: What the spacemans are all about?

Nirin: Hah! Spacemans are our logical tap and a summoning when things are tap. The warmth of the love and godly love of gods are in the fluid of spacemans and seeded in to you. In miljons of years towards we found the way to play with time, but not only with that. It is in konolidge that spacemans are extreme to contact and maybe even harmfull trauma to you. When we do exeed everything complete the spacemen do not have to exist in our life.

People ask: How the gods live?

Nirin: Gods live in the heavens kingdom enjoyin the fruit of superior completion...Hah hah haa! A very good guestion indeed. Gods are high and i can say one god is the greatest and not to be overcome ever. Gods enjoy everything possible like we enjoy things to our common. You well know that you have to live correct meaning you build fuel to people around you and everything then will glow.

People ask: How your spiritual present was born?

Nirin: First i was a common man and later i were in the birthall egg seeding my future gnonidge. Everything clean was after born with maturing spiritual world. I am different that any person in the world and i had Jesus Krist in different experience. I got to be Jesus in my birthall egg and then i matured different. Also gods and humanoids were in contact with me and then people matured with me to a spiritual community.

People ask: What is a schizofrenia?

Nirin: Hah! That really is the climax of spiritual pain. Paranoid and unsupported and is the world of spiritual unmatured nature. Confusion leaded many times to failure. Mania of deadly silly completions. Many search things futher in mania and end up only experiencing a haunt of superior need to expand more of deadly knolidge of your own. The thing to cure that is that you have to build things to stand the ground and in time the things would be fine if medicated and treated right. Fluid can be damaged and the world of spiritualism can be murdering the one so help is saving people suffering this sikness. We say things intact.

People ask: How god made us?

Nirin: It was a long evolution of bacters to a winning solution and the story Adam and Eve were something sacred in nowadays too. The snake is gods bite to extend the sin. Meaning the sin of nature is something rigth. Adam is cultivated to be a complete stable universum and the snake is the down force of primitive killing and the death of the existing. Man and women in Nirinsm are to be same. Sex dont matter. Completion comes to its end in this thing about. Death is the horizon feared not arcieved. Negative not anymore is sacred at any level. Positive spiritation is the only way to exeed futher in the galactical purpose.

People ask: How or why people exeed futher or more than another?

Nirin: Everything is based in younghood of collecting information and learning about world and yourself. Ofcouce you must go trough the test to become more. Later the people you have are you. People go usually in uncertain plans to become something different or by the acts of destiny. The spiritual level of community and the train is the answer.
In higher things it is the education of high reached people what we call pioneers of many different institutes.
Everybody is wanting that the professions are leaded by a pioneer and the worlds tealogical completion is there where reasons are lied.

People aks: Why homos are existing?

Nirin: Hah! the fluid might be wrong or right, who matters if the people love. It is also concerned that the war of fluid were the thing. A heavy mutilation of holy human can brake timeplasma and souls ren mode and the route of sexual spiritation in time. Homos are too a people that given love in free form. I am the thing to blame too beacuse i said in the grat syntax that man and female are the same. The fluid may be difficult, but the spiritualization in sexy. There was tale that mercurius and venus fight forever...well we all mixed now.

People aks: What is the famous deja wu?

Nirin: Like i said it is the thing in your lifeline called a split point and that you will live your life many times in different hights. It can be that you experience your life after greater or You spiritazed it before. It is true that some people see in the future and that somepeople tell what you might say before you. Deja wu is the spirirual wake of things more to arcieve. We well wait a complete rise of intelligent collection of the overseen eye to educate the supreme truth about our the lifeline and the actual prosess of our existance.

People ask: What do you mean by us being infinitive?

Nirin: Infinitive means that atleast you will be ready to life eternally. Infinitive life is to be chrusified to unified martyre completion. All your days are ending to be good and the best for human existance, meaning you open life with right syntaxes. Life is with death and with the positive rise like heaven is builded. The cup of life and death was served, but it dont mean that we live forever on earth. That is god that decides that. Life is pain and living in heaven is everything better. Infinity means in my teaching the positive perfection to last for all times.

People ask: Why people are born?

Nirin: You are a soul of love and your birth is the syntax more in this forever leading maturation of humanrace. Human is understanded to extend life to its tap and then in the galaxy futhermore. You, me, god, jesus or what ever love more that the climax allows. you have been born to everything important and love we will give to the end of our time.
Your purpose is to complete your life with breeding more and completing spiritual causes of unified martyre completions, Meaning we build the world in exact teological perfection. Nirinism is the cultive religion to serve you spiritually and giving you the status highest as possible and a martyre completion.

People ask: Who is god?

Nirin: Like i said the god in human form has been with me and looks a bit Leonardo Da Vinci...and i smile and i werent certainly laughing like a idot before with Hah!, but also is god called Jehova and is perhaps differently formed god.
There is many called gods, but the one and only is the highest and perhaps the most old one. God is a creator of the universe and with hes light we conquer gods ways and a messenge that god really exist.
True god is believed to be only in heaven. When i call god to be you or me im trying to get you feel like something pure and sacred about we is prosessing or the life is focused to be simple about god.
Perfect human is gods picture and that is gods love to become closer to our life and maybe thinking to be god is even a way to have a positive pressure on your spiritual behaviour.
In the distant future of your spiritual grow is a completion that makes you god in heaven, but talking about god ususally means who is the highest one. Personal god to you is to be having a spirit that completed human existanse.
Also different religions have pretty much gods. Then the is Satan and his prince what is Satan and Lucifer or Satan is Lusifer and Gabriel might be the prince or a arcangel with rest of the demonic characters.
Buddha is somehow god and Judas and many worhipped holy characters could be thinked gods of some might. Janus, Dionyses, David and on and on mystical gods in large variety are or were worhipped.
I must apologize that i dont really know all gods in every religion, but god to me is something real.

People aks: Is your sacrament and teachings then changing anything?

Nirin: Yes indeed people with knolidge about me and the spirituality on common head to better solutions daily. I bring spiritualism and completion of life very close to you and simple. You can maybe laugh that saving the world could be more simple, but i bring the simplest salvation. You got to turn to the way of perfection and find a way to beacome a gods messenger. And now in the end i can say it changes maybe everything or nothing, but seems to be cool thing and wonderfull human completion.

Interview took place in 14.03.2008

Kirjoitettu Friday 14.03.2008


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