Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
jossa voit kuunnella, ladata ja arvostella suomalaista musiikkia,
lisätä rajattomasti biisejä, luoda oman artistisivun, kerätä arvosteluja ja faneja
Thursday 27. Aprilta 2006
Hmm, it's time to wake up... I have been away for a long time since my last submission. Had a lot going on irl and our project had freezed... Lue lisää
Monday 06. Februaryta 2006
Today I had new feeling to my project #Kingdoms. I got huge amound of positive feedback from my last revision of the theme "Building the wind" and... Lue lisää
Friday 27. Januaryta 2006
Today I’m a proud new member of Mikseri net community. I decided to register to save my bandwidth for more useful purposes than hosting my own... Lue lisää