

Rasputinin murha 1916 on yksi kiehtovimmista poliittisista murhista. Tutkittuani tapausta löysin taustalta dramaattisen rakkaustarinan: Irina Aleksandrova oli tsaarin sukulaistyttö ja aikansa tavoitelluin venäläinen ylimystökaunotar, Felix Jusupov oli umpirikkaan suvun villi vesa, joka harrasti poikia ja naisten vaatteita. Felix tappoi Rasputinia myrkyillä ja luodeilla, mutta pyhä mies ei ottanut kuollakseen. Hänet saatiin hengiltä vasta hukuttamalla joulukuiseen kanavaan Pietarissa. Vielä jääkylmän veden allakin starets oli repinyt köydet auki!

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One day I was walking alone in the park
Autumn leaves on ground
Thinking my life drifting past
Tired of going round
Most beautiful girl
Necklace of pearls

That night I was dreaming alone in the dark
Oh you filled my mind
Planning our lives
What will become
Will she be my wife
Enigmatic shy
Deep blue eyes

Irina, Irina - You were born on July
Died in the dead of the winter time
Irina, Irina - You seldom smiled
Is that because you lived in exile

So understanding of my wild past
No man could ask for more
Turning your back to other rivals
You said I was made for
Raven black hair
Nature so fair

Irina, Irina - You were born on July
Died in the dead of the winter time
Irina, Irina - You seldom smiled
Is that because you lived in exile

War and death
Murder and blood
Child’s first cry
I love you terribly

One day I was sitting alone in the park
Frozen leaves on feet
Remembering times fading in dark
The day we first met
Most beautiful girl
Necklace of pearl

Irina, Irina - You were born on July
Died in the dead of the winter time
Irina, Irina - You seldom smiled
Is that because you lived in exile


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