I'm Sorry


Olin kävelemässä nuoremman poikani kanssa bussipysäkille. Olimme menossa juhlimaan vanhemman poikani 18-vuotissyntymäpäivää. Katsoin pojan kenkiä ja sanoin: "Kuinka kehtaat pitää tuollaisia paskaisia kenkiä tällaisena päivänä!" Hän loukkaantui sanoistani tosi pahasti. Istuimme bussimatkan vaiti kumpikin katsellen eri suuntaan. Päästyämme keskustaan poikani katosi ihmisvilinään eikä tullut juhlavieraiden joukkoon. Minulla oli koko päivän sananmukaisesti paskat fiilikset, kaduin tyhmyyttäni. Illalla kotona muut ikävät ihmissuhdemuistot alkoivat velloa päässäni.

I'm Sorry on levyn aloituskappale.

0.00   511 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

We sat in a bus
You were looking out
I watched people coming in
Neither of us
didn’t speak out
feelings we had in
You walked the street
I didn’t run after you
You did not turn your head
You crossed the bridge
then disappeared from me
I repeated the words I should’ve said

I played cool face
Tried to freeze my heart
But all the time I saw your empty place
I tried to hide behind
jokes, laughter and smile
But all the time you were in my mind

I went to phone
and heard that you were crying
I’m sorry, forgive me please
You were at home
I knew that you were lying
You did not have the keys
I was wrong
I apologize
And maybe you were right
Words were strong
I should’ve thought twice
But baby, I hate to be left

Mine met lady’s eyes
I tried to look away
But all that I saw was your empty place
I tried to drown in wine
smoke, voices and sounds
But all the time you were in my mind

In her place
she threw my clothes to floor
and opened up all the gates
Bound in her grace
I entered every door
until I was in a daze
She wanted more
but I took my clothes from the floor
Turned my back to myrrh and gold
I went home
and found you at the door
You were shivering with cold

I lived in a haze
Tried to fill my nights and days
But all the time there was an empty place
I tried to play with fire
light, burn and die
But all the time you were in my mind


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