Scars of the Past

Wolfhorde | 20.01.2007 | Thrash Metal

Werihukka: Sävellys, kitarat, basso, midirummut.

Hukkapätkä: Sanoitus, sovitus, vokaalit

9.50   2412 plays


Flame of my heart
seized to exist
like the hunger in my eyes
burning for you, only for you

Bury me deep
and hate my corpse
Rape my soul
close all those doors

I'd do the same for you

Hate for sure
is purely obscure
Vengeance would just be in vain

Nothing of that feeling reigns
You thought that no-one wins
then said it only pains
trying to forget those sins

Hate for sure
is purely obscure
Vengeance would just be in vain

I'd help you through
my only one
But now the fight is over
and the war is lost

Time has died, so
I renounce my love
Time has died

Hate for sure
is purely obscure
Vengeance would just be in vain
Death, as we know it
will smile in the end
laughing like crows above my gallows

Cursed we are
in our merry wait for the end
my last word for you
should've been: repent!


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