Welcome! Oh, so delighted to have you here! We are a group of four guys from Tampere getting off on rock music. The songs you can find from here are from our second demo album called Flies, recorded last summer, 2002, in an environment that hardly resembles a studio. Now that we have a gigful of songs written and tested in front of a grateful audience, we are finally planning on recording a full WendyICanFly album of rock. Till then, hope you enjoy what we have to offer. If what we have here isn´t quite enough, we invite you on a trip to Wendyland at www.wendyicanfly.com! Thank you for listening and thanks to mikseri.net for all the effort!
Juho Palosaari - drums Tuomas Ahva - bass, vocals Juha Vaaraniemi - guitar, vocals Heikki Pitkänen - vocals
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