The Institution

Vortech | 04.05.2006 | Industrial Metal

The first track off the album Conclusion (2006). A bit more driving and straightforward song.

All music, lyrics and arrangements by Juha Untinen

9.20   1117 plays


The bleakest of days
a messenger from outer space
Yet the messenger bears no hope:
a destructive form of an allotrope

Brace yourself

Feel free to awaken
this institution built for
anti-collide prediction
and now, has failed

Red dwarves form
a celestial storm
meteors collide
and life will no longer thrive

Voices from the voids

Feel free to awaken
this institution built for
anti-collide prediction
and now, has failed

The moon has fallen
Flames cover the sky
Universal defcon 5
Nihilists enthralled


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Bablo Diablo 05.02.2007
musapuoli toimii kuin junan vessa, miinukset tulee tosta kuiskauslaulusta, lisää munaa siihen ja sassiin!!
0   +1 +2
frank nahkiainen 09.12.2006
saundit on kylla ihan mukavat ,mut toi honkailylaulu ei kyl uppoo,enemman raivoa ,vihaa ja kakoilua ois mun mieleen.taustalauluiks kylla menis....
0   +1 +2

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