Warnin,g,,! Hi,,gh dos,es o,f,,,, me,bala, ca,n be, fatal,,imf, od, plea, s seek, medical attensisnls
memBUlan legen,daaric solo pefrymanc s, iN Manila, 1716,.... beytfull,,
A sipmle, guide to hoew of,, making Anusprofessori,s faouveurite toy
the, tale of miracu,lous supreme ,,rausku in, veloure,, kinde,r egg
How, I leaned, stop to, worming, and keep pants of, testicularity.
Efter long, summer broken Cosmic zoom, for mood,s profound ,sppereance
emotive, ballad for those wh, o are looking, for a, problem,solvent
After a long waitress, VittuRausku finally presents it's dabyt singel VittuRausku.