Rite of the Ancients

Viral | 31.07.2005 | Black Metal

Parannusta edellisestä on tapahtunut vähintäänkin rumpujen saralla. Olen tyytyväinen lopputulokseen..

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Julle666 30.11.2006
On kyl ihan mielettömän hyvvää bläkkistä! Sanatki on huiput!
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Atharic 28.06.2006
Alku oi aika löysä mutta kun se mättökohta lähti niin kyllä siinä ytyä oli ja paljon...Hyvää, ei voi muuta sanoa...
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T3K 31.07.2005
Pirteät on lyriikat :)

Kappaleen rakenne on hyvä vaikkakin joissakin kohdissa kappale tökkää hieman. Kanttorille on tehty hyvät nuotit ja kitarointi on taitavaa. Rummut voisivat olla hieman kovemmalla, nyt basari hukkuu jonnekkin. Laulu on onnistunutta, jatka vain samaan tyyliin.

Parannusta edellisiin on tosiaan havaittavissa. Arvosanaksi 8.
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mad00001 31.07.2005
Viral - Rite of the Ancients

I hunger for blood on this eve of my birth - zenith moon is on the rise
I will bring the pain forth
Why didst thou awaken me? My hunger shall unfurl on thee
My rite is a blessing for me, thy soul it shall claim for me

I watched a thousand burn, I watched all that evil lure
I composed my strenght from the others, most were children and their mothers
I did not slay the men that day, I impaled, gutted, prolonged their pain
Performed the rite of my forefathers

This fist holds the force of a thousand souls crying for release
These eyes see what two thousand can behold with their bloodshot panicked eyes, I am the


Now that you have awaken me much needs to be done

Purge their bowels! Gouge their eyes! Split their throats apart!
Chew on their ears! How sweet is frenzy! Scream in a rain of blood!

I stare at you in a rain of blood.

Ancients walk among us gathered crows
This fucking pain explodes through our eyes
All scream in frenzy and dig their eyes out with their pale bare hands
All goddamn bow down and scream before my throne:
"He is the master!"

Now rise - the zenith moon is full
Your minions are a tool of your will
The pond of blood is full

Crowds scream out for your name
They are but blind rats - in your labyrinth

They are but blind rats - in your labyrinth

I stare at you .. from a sea of blood

All hail, our prince has cheated death
All hail, the throne is again full
Masses, die pale before your eyes
Bleeding their lifes for you ..
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