
You are my fantasy (lyrics) 15.03.2015


This is my best song in this year it's Electronic-pop and i bet more on it than my first song. it's only beat and i prove it more if you want. i have 3 month before lyrics. I take comments in this 3 months and i prove my music with your comments.

-   0 135 plays

Kuuman tytön 14.12.2013


My first song took 5 years, if you want more tell me and i bet more in short time. Comment if is something to prove and i watch it if i can prove. Comments are music best friend.

-   0 162 plays

Silmät kuin tähdet 30.06.2012


I search lyrics comment and i see if i take.

-   0 170 plays

Valkoinen valhe sallittu rakkaudessa 30.06.2012


Im searching lyrics to the background.
Beat: White Lie
Mix; White Lie

-   0 162 plays
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