
Legend Of The 7th Wizard 13.06.2015


Kuviteltu elokuva kertoo kuinka 6 keskimaan velhoa on kuollut taisteluissa ja viimenen seitsemäs velho on viimeinen toivo maan päällä joka voi pelastaa oman kansansa. 7 velhoa kokoontuivat ja lähtivät eri suuntiin taistelemaan ja 6 velhoa kuoli. nyt seisemäs velho Jigura joutuu ponniskella moninkerroin jotta lopettaisi sodan kansansa voittoon ja saavuttaisi lopulta jumalan aseman maan päällä.

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Neversun 13.06.2015


We are united and great with the all word of believing better, but spiritualism of today is that semi-bleaching people are not yet understanding the totality in goodness of life. Discord of men is still summoning and the ligth is bleaking to everybody. Life may not be continuum of disortion. If they say they that chastise man in justiness is mandatory, they should otherhand help a man and not believe in faulting the moral justiness. Altercation is superfluous when everything ends to peacefull solution in the end and backbone of love and peace is correct crystal clear determination....

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Otherside [ In Memory Of My Father ] 09.06.2015


Isäni Lars Wilhelmin Lindroosin Muistoa Kunnioittaen. Ikävä tulee...

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Misty Ages 03.06.2015


Kuviteltu elokuva kertoo keskiajasta jossa mustan ritarin legenda on elossa ja pelastetaan prinsessa ja ollaan yksi aikojen kovimmista ja tunnetuimmista myyteistä. Elokuva viel keskiaikaan ja hurjiin taistelujihin jossa musta ritari loistaa ja salamoi persuksista :)

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Morning Star 05.06.2015


Love will never fail and never give up. Homodoxal communion will be autonomically rewarding. Correct believes and gnosis are keys to unlock the heavens gates. Heresy is a lack of common sence and will be a fail. Heretic is very malusive quiddity. We categorize common grievance as heterodoxy. It is a sever failure of a man. There should certainly summon an excommunication of a evil and divisive interest. Man should start everyday with heart of passion for to save the world. This is the day to start the repentage and not only forced, but with joy and happiness. Youll not be desrtroyed when...

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Ghost Love 07.06.2015


In Christian terminology, docetism (from the Greek δοκεῖν/δόκησις dokeĩn (to seem) /dókēsis (apparition, phantom), according to Norbert Brox, is defined narrowly as "the doctrine according to which the phenomenon of Christ, his historical and bodily existence, and thus above all the human form of Jesus, was altogether mere semblance without any true reality." Broadly it is taken as the belief that Jesus only seemed to be human, and that his human form was an illusion. The word Δοκηταί Dokētaí (illusionists) referring to early groups who denied Jesus' humanity,...

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New Hope 11.06.2015


Wisdom Is Love And Goodness. We Are Honest And Modest. There Will Be The Best Life Futher And Everybody Will Love The Life. All Think Rock And Easy Life And Granted For All. Everykind Of Good Ways We Are Perfect And Honest Love. Good Spirit Is Loved And Cared. All Are Caretakers And Brave Addon To Actions Of Goodness And Perfect Decisions. All Wisdom Is Sharen. Everybody Will Love Our Families. Magical Fantasies Are Sometimes The Nature If Like. Everykind Of Singing Is Amusing And Easily Sounding Good. Songs Are All Kind Of Excellent Experiences. Everybody Remember All The Important Things...

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Girl At The Flower Shop 07.06.2015


Kuviteltu elokuva kertoo kuinka mies löytää kauniin kukkakaupan tytön ja rakastuu jo ensisilmäyksellä. Tyttö on mitä kaunein ja rakkauden kukka. Tyttö on niin kaunis kuin kukkanen :).

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Kirvanian Myth 15.06.2015


Undergod is an evil God. Why there is evil and good, because there is God, The Christ and all theyres pacts, then there is a undergod. You can do bad and good. Only way forth is goodness and evilness will be cumulative if the interest is that. No man can trust the undergod known as the wicked force and evil one. Wrong way leads to confusion and frustrating battle in the plane and simple existing. Side of God is commendable and a perfect solution of everyday living. - Archangel Uriel - [ 16-06-2015 ]

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