
TraparT | 07.12.2010 | Alternative Metal

Kevyt sekoitus sekä autotune poppia, että hieman raskaampaa. Kappaleella ei syvempää merkitystä.

Sanoitus: Krizu
Sävellys: TraparT

10.00   1027 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

You say that you are rocker
I say that you are fucker
you're so pathetic, so sick, when you get it,
you're just another failure
Just zip your lips and go home

What are you trying to be?
What are you going to feel?
What are you trying to see?
When you're fucking with me!

You asked me what's my problem
I've got a simple answer to that question
If you just go home, all alone, and never say a word
Thats solution to all of my problems

What are you trying to be?
What are you going to feel?
What are you trying to see?
When you're fucking with me!

I don't want to see your face here (2x)

What are you trying to be?
What are you going to feel?
What are you trying to see?
When you're fucking with me!


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JKrizu89 18.12.2010
Laatukamaa! Go go TraparT! ^^)
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