The Follower
Total Fiasco kokeilee rajojaan "brittipopin" saralla.
Säv, San. & Sov. Jesse Meura
Äänitys ja miksaus Kimmo Koskinen, Tattari Studio 2012
Showcasessa on happy hours klo 00.00 - 15.00, jolloin sinne nostetut kappaleet saavat +25% lisää näkyvyysaikaa normaaliin verrattuna.
Mainosta kappaletta Mikserin etusivulla 3h 45min. Lähetä viesti:
MIKSERI MAINOS 526297 numeroon 173172 (1,90€)
tai mainosta krediiteillä.
Kappaleen sanat
Sometimes I feel like no one give a shit.
And sometimes I think, not.
I try to find something real.
From so fucking deep that
I never ever imagined.
I`ll try, I`ll try so god damn hard,
but no, I can`t get it from my mind.
Theres follower everywhere I go.
The pain is killing me for sure.
But the pain is because of you.
Thats, my, follower!
Just think how it feels when no
one care´s.
But you gived me reason, and the
power to beat those assholes
to the ground.
But now you´re just like the others,
giving everything away from your soul.
You give no shit for the life and anything else.
Theres follower everywhere I go.
The pain is killing me for sure.
But the pain is because of you.
Thats, my, follower!
Theres follower everywhere I go.
The pain is killing me for sure.
But the pain is because of you.
Thats, my, follower!