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Showcasessa on happy hours klo 00.00 - 15.00, jolloin sinne nostetut kappaleet saavat +25% lisää näkyvyysaikaa normaaliin verrattuna.
Mainosta kappaletta Mikserin etusivulla 3 tuntia. Lähetä viesti:
MIKSERI MAINOS 175142 numeroon 173172 (1,90€)
tai mainosta krediiteillä.
Kappaleen sanat
(San./säv./sov. by Jussi Vaalasmaa, in December 2005)
I got twelve monkey's on my back
you motherfuckers know it's just like that
I got twelve problems on my mind...on my mind.
Calling on the phone just for fun
Little boys just trying to get some
Calling on the phone just for fun
Dial 911-1
Dial 911-1
Dial 911-1
Dial 911-1
Sorry I'm drunk, Main Street 41
I got twelve monkey's on my back
you motherfuckers know I'll snap like that
Calling on the phone just for fun, Dial 911-1
We got twelve bottles of fine red wine
We got twelve ways to get high
Calling on the phone just for fun, dial 9-11-1
Calling on the phone just for fun
Little boys just trying to get some
Calling on the phone just for fun, Dial 911-1
Dial 911-1
Dial 911-1
Dial 911-1
Sorry I'm drunk, Main Street 41
Dial 911-1
Dial 911-1
Dial 911-1
Sorry I'm drunk, Main Street 41