
The Bonebreaker | 20.08.2008 | Thrash Metal

Joillekin jo entuudestaan tuttu biisi Inkkarin Ruhon ajoilta.

Uusi miksaus ja masterointi

Säv.: Joona
San.: Miikka
Nauhoitettu Mantun studiolla Nilsiässä 15.-17.8.08.
Miksaus & masterointi: Joona

10.00   981 plays


I have a bad
Or do I have it
I'm not really sure
I'm in confusion
And a little bit messed up
Constant illusions
Boundless agony

My blank head
Full of thoughts
Images all around
Chaotic flood
World of ideas
But are they mine
I wanna die
But am I still alive

I must keep going, in my life
Trying not use mine psychosedative
Access to the border of knowledge
Now I must say I have a schizophrenia


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