
Operation 30.09.2005


Operation one of the most popular Submerse tracks. Released on their second CD, 'Fuck Thier System'...You can see the video on the boy's Myspace profile. Beware this track has strong language.

9.6   5 1059 plays

Duzza's Song 30.09.2005


43 second track of raw punk energy. Written for a friend named Big Duzza this track kicks off the band's latest CD,' Do As I Say - Not As I Do'. Warning.. this track contains strong language!

10   3 696 plays

Reel Dun 30.09.2005


Submerse's attempt at a Ska track. This featured on the boy's first album, 'Riot, Here, Now!' This is a radio-friendly track.

All CDs are available from the band's official website for £3 (GBP)

9.5   1 1339 plays

The Good Times 16.03.2006


The Good Times, written for friends of the band. Short but lively plenty of oi oi oi!
Featured on the band's upcoming album 'Down and Out' due for release, later this year.

9.5   2 387 plays
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