Imagine an alternative history. The British Empire is going strong, stronger than ever before. London is the capital of the World. Only a very small percentage of the Globe is not part of the Empire. Imagine London being the home of more than a billion people. The city being larger than man can hardly imagine, and running on steam. Imagine today's technology working on steam instead of electricity, and lacking all the electronic components and being highly advanced clockwork and gearwork instead.
This music is meant to be played hard. It doesn't sound as good if you are unable to 'blast the speakers'. Steam London sounds best when you crank up the volume, close your eyes, and lay in bed, preferably with all the lights turned off. This is to make the atmosphere the best for your imagination. When making this music I had this steampunk London in mind. Each song is meant to be an imagination journey. (Without necessarily succeeding in it.)
To note, I wouldn't like the society being like it was on the Victorian era. I wouldn't like the Empire owning all the land and the sea nor would I like living in that kind of London. It's only the steampunk settings that fascinate me, the steam and the clockwork machines.
Equipment: Data processing machine ("PC"), Buzz tracker, and Audacity.
Feel free to leave your comments, the audience feedback is the most welcome. This music is meant for everyone, whether you are a gentleman or a fair lady; hopefully you fancy it with great delight.
This project is dead now. Thank you for listening in case you did so.

An Expedition 13.02.2006


An expedition to uncharted territory. Nobody knows what is hiding in the deepest jungle...

To boldly go where no gentleman has gone before.

-   0 164 kuuntelua

The Factory Labour 08.12.2005


A typical day at one of the thousands of factories. The machinery clanks and pounds non-stop all the year, eventually making the common labourers lose their hearing and mental health.

-   0 162 kuuntelua

The Underwater 21.08.2005


Visiting the underwater London. River Thames has been broadened and deepened several times to make moving in and out of London via different huge water vehicles possible. Also, since the city boils thousands of quarts of water every day to run the steam engines, Thames is an useful source of water. There are many huge pumps gathering the water constantly into various steam engine boilers.

9   1 289 kuuntelua
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