Spiritus & Asper - Passion CD-Single out!!! 5e sis. postin!
Progressive Trance

Shanghai Story clip 12.11.2009


Spiritus & Asper - Shanghai Story (Original Mix) @ Blackhole Recordings.

Released on Mr. Sam's OPUS Tertio.

10   3 483 kuuntelua
Progressive Trance

Sampler 2 2009 19.07.2009


Tässä muutamia settejä taas:

1. Helsinki (Original Mix)
Signed to Baroque Records (September 2009)

2. Trend Whore (Original Mix)

3. Passion (Original mix)
Wavedata records

Available at beatport & audiojelly!

whole tune @

4. Millaway - Terminus (Spiritus & Asper Remix)
Wavedata (August 2009)

9   1 626 kuuntelua
Progressive Trance

Sampler 1 2009 05.06.2009


1. Ville Lope & Chantola - Blowfish (Spiritus & Asper remix) (Green Martian Records)

Löytyy mm.
Tranceplant: Progressive Trance - Seed 2 (Music Worx) 2009 Kokoelmalta.

2. Ville Lope - Gratitude (Spiritus & Asper Remix) (Subtraxx & Music Worx)

Löytyy mm.
Bonzai Worx: DJ Sessions, Vol 4 (Music Worx) 2009 Kokoelmalta.

3. Andy Piney - Zenith (Spritus & Asper Remix) (Wavedata Records)

-   2 512 kuuntelua
Progressive Trance

Ville Lope - Gratitude (Spiritus & Asper Remix) promo clip 03.02.2009


Spiritus & Asper "Gratitude" remix gets support from Andy Moor & Airwave!

"Ville Lope's latest offering for Subtraxx Digital is titled "Gratitude" and features a remix from Spiritus & Asper, two other newbies to the production scene. The original remix is energetic without being too hectic and the B-side features a slower chunkier rendition that bridges styles effortlessly.

With a softer kick than the original, the remixers decided to focus on highlighting the low and high ends. The bassline is much more smooth in this B-side, and this provides the track with a more calming atmosphere....

-   2 403 kuuntelua
Progressive House

Passion (demo clip) 23.06.2008


Demoklippi tulevasta Passion-kappaleesta (Wavedata Records)


-   3 402 kuuntelua
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