Clean Love

Sola Gratia | 16.02.2006 | Jazz
9.00   354 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Clean Love

I must tell You something,
and I hope You really listen:
when You fall in love, remember
there is one thing You should always
keep in Your mind clearly.

Keep Your hands away from me and
try to be a christian.
I don't want to stay here no more,
if You only think about IT all the time
and think about IT all the time we meet.

It will be forever, when we
start to live together.
If You really love me, babe,
You don't want to
make unhappy, miserable faces.

I think I must leave You now,
but I'll be back tomorrow.
Then I make a call to You and
we shall have a very good and
lovely time together.

Just remember, we believe in God,
and we have to keep clean our hearts.
So we can't get started in this way.

© James Hirvisaari 1991


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clave 26.07.2010
Naisella on lauluääntä. Kappaleen tunnelma jotenkin kolkko. Sanat tuntuvat kylmän rakkaudettomilta. Kappaleesta jää kokonaisuudessaan kermakakkumainen, tunkkainen teennäisyyden maku.
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laulu ovela, mutta nauhoituslaatu heikko.
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Tikku-Ukko 16.02.2006
Tää on jotenkin ihan sairasta. Siis noi sanat ja sit toi laulun kaiku ja toi melodia ja sovitus yyyyyyyyyyy..... Tosi friikkiä.
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