www.slugathor.com www.time-before-time.com LEGALIZE DRUGS AND MURDER www.drakkar666.com www.agonia.com www.varjot.tk
Death Metal

Journey Into Oblivion 23.12.2006


Uuden levyn loppupään kappaleita... Lopunalun merkkejä...
Varjot Productions julkaisee levyn kasettina, www.varjot.tk

8.67   2 1771 plays
Death Metal

Slow And Painful Death 05.01.2007


2. levyn aloitusbiisin ensimmäinen studioversio Promo 2004:lta.

9   0 1212 plays
Death Metal

Crypt of the Dead 01.06.2006


...And now the body starts to rot with decay!

9.3   4 2812 plays
Death Metal

Delicacies of the Cadaver 10.01.2005


...And the undead shall gather once again to feast upon the - Delicacies of the Cadaver!

9   6 4202 plays
Death Metal

All Must Die 19.03.2005


No mercy you shall be given, only your life shall be taken!

9.25   1 2913 plays
Death Metal

Bleed For Me 21.05.2005


I need to feel your blood on my skin...

9.6   2 2114 plays
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