
Tonttumaa (2010 version) 09.05.2011


HEY! Can you feel it?
It is near...Don't you get it?
It's just above there!
The land where no one
Should cry or be in sorrow
The lands of Korvatunturi!


Tonttumaa is happy place
With only joy and happines
Without of the wars or less the evil trolls!
Tonttumaa is happy place
With only joy and happines
Sacred and pure land of the elfs

HEY!! Can you see it?
The snowy land with full of lights
In every christmas tree!
Just forget all the sadness
And Prepare for dancing
And joy of the life!


Tonttumaa is happy place
With only joy and happines
Without of the wars or less the...

-   0 360 kuuntelua
Alternative Metal

Tonttumaa 15.01.2007


valmis. tulee demolle kolmosraitana


Hey, can you feel it? It is near...
don't you get it? It's just above there.
The lands where never none should cry or less being
in sorrow in the fields of korvatunturi

Tonttumaa is happy place with only joy and happines
Without fear of the wars or less the evil trolls
Tonttumaa is happy place with only joy and happines
the sacred and pure land of the elfs

Hey, can you see it? The snowy land with full of lights
In every Christmas tree.
Just forget the all sadness and
Prepare for dancing and joy of the life.

9   1 599 kuuntelua
Melodic Death

Evil Trolls 21.02.2007


Demon 4 raita (Oletusarvo, paina muokataksesi)

They live on the misty forest, fiercing swamp
And every dark places Filled with bones of human and elfs and every kind creature
The fire are glowing and drinks a flowing
In the place where trolls live

The horror you'll see there
Will never rest in your mind
The death you'll smell there
Will never let you go
Just beware when the full moon rise
The hunting starts and they'll come for YOU!!!

The Slaughter they done was never forgiving
They killed every elf which came to front
Chopping their heads, burned their bodies
Ate their guts and...

6   1 524 kuuntelua
Melodic Death

Pahainmaan Nousu 23.01.2007


valmiiksi muokattu demoversioks

Tontut nousseet pahain maasta
teurastamaan ja kiduttamaan
kiltit pojat ja tytöt
pahain maahan tuomitaan!!
keskeltä tunturia
se pahuus leviää,
paikasta mistä
pahain maa nousta saa!!!

pahain maa on noussu taas!!
kilttejä lapsia kiduttamaan
ja hyvä palkan saa
verisestä kirveestä ainoastaan
se tuomittu on
kuka kiltti on
se pahain maahan tuomitaan
eikä armahdusta saa!!!!!

Jo itse saatanakin virkoa alkaa
se paha missä mainitaa
itse joulupukki palaa taas
pahain maan valtakuntaa johtamaan
se parrakas hemmo

-   0 485 kuuntelua
Folk Metal

The End Of The Santa 04.02.2007


Vokaalit meni vähä vituiks, mut minkäs teet. demo valmiudessa.

They came on the darkest nights
Slaying, burning only willing to kill
The evil trolls from the deepest forests
Fight over korvatunturi!!

The scent of rotten shall again smell on air
The purity of mortal life shall be crushed again

Santa was first in the line
He protected the northern lands
With elf's, dears and snow bears
And done everything they could!!
But Santa, he fell
At the last strike
And everyone had recognized that
The end of the Santa had come

It was a stormy night with full of anger and...

6   1 552 kuuntelua
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