The tale of Ed Sauls will chill the very marrow in your bones! Featuring guest performances by Stuart "The Human Bagpipes" Thewlis (NRBOOT) and McArgyle Korhonen (Cerebro).
Released in july 2008
The B-side of 'Legend of Ed Sauls'. Chock-full of signature SMB snafu-metal madness!
Unhealthy dose of signature SMB snafu-metal. A gloomy tale of pain, longing and the dark forces of the Witching Hour. The song appeared as the theme song of famed 2006 motion picture "Hello!" by the acclaimed director Lleon Lodewijks. A music video of the song has been released in Burkina Faso.
The classic SMB hit song showcases Seppo's songwriting skills to the max. "Basket" was intented on the 'Mr. Squiro' concept album and thus tells a story of a nightly fiend after whom the album was supposed to be named. Slight references to the mystical Hammer of Auburn White hark back to the SMB's earlier albums. Check out the promo video of the song at
The Pseudon Dream (a paradise for donkeys and men) was the b-side of 'A Basket Full of Wonders' single. Chock-full of trademark SMB-madness and lyrical content that should drive most people insane, 'The Pseudon Dream' features a guest appereance of NRBOOT singer Paranoid Raatikainen as well as D.D's infamous cockwhistle solo at the end.
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