The tale of Ed Sauls will chill the very marrow in your bones! Featuring guest performances by Stuart "The Human Bagpipes" Thewlis (NRBOOT) and McArgyle Korhonen (Cerebro).
Released in july 2008
From the new album! A brand new unhealthy dose of snafu-metal delivered in the true SMB way!
The title track of the new SMB single! Check out the promo video of the song at
The Pseudon Dream (a paradise for donkeys and men) is the b-side of SMB's latest single. The famous Paranoid Raatikainen (NRBOOT) appears as a guest vocalist in the 'knockin' part!
Ka?da kobieta musi wykona? obowi?zkowe badania w ci??y Jednym z nich jest badanie st??enia glukozy we krwi. Badanie poziomu glukozy wykonuje si? tak?e po to, aby sprawdzi? skuteczno?? leczenia, aby okre?li? nie dosz?o do hiperglikemii (podwy?szonego pozi