Nocturnal Hunt

Sanctimonious | 25.09.2004 | Black Metal

Toiseksi vanhin elossa oleva biisi bändiltä.

8.00   753 plays


Nocturnal Hunt

The gloomy light of the moon
reflects from the snow that
hangs from the trees.
Beneath the trees they move!

Their fur is gray and warm
so it protects them
from the cold of this winter night.
This night, too cold for the Christian!

The weak bastards light up a fire
for they can't stand the biting wind!
Their favoring of the weak
has made them all weak!

The blaze lures the wolfpack closer.
The smell of flesh makes them hungry!
But they know that this flesh is rotten!
They won't pollute them selves with
the meat of Christians!

They come from the darkness
to kill the weak Christians!
This is the terror
in the Christians hearts!
This is the nocturnal hunt


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Lord Night 23.11.2004
Jälleen ihan hyvä biisi, mutta jotenki tuo vokalisti ei iske muhun yhtään. Musiikista siis plussaa vokaaleista miinusta.
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