
I am lost - where is the closest Rail Bay Radio Station? 05.04.2008


This song took less time to compose, than it takes to listen! This is a experiment with Red Sound EleVAta, I created a patch that evolves for ages, without repeating itself. So I just pressed down few keys for one minute, recording it all to wavelab. Then I copypasted it again into end, turned second half backwards, did add delay, reverb and mastering compression from Wavelab presets without listening them and rendered it all out. Took like one and half minutes :)

-   0 309 plays

Random Noodlings pt 1.1 05.04.2008


Experimental Electronica, main instruments Sampler, loop manglers, Waldorf Pulse plus and effects. And Cubase, which crashed and messed my drums completely. Naturally, such incidents cannot be bad in experimental music, so I prefer this crashed version to my sequenced one.

-   0 213 plays

Random Noodlings pt 1.0 09.04.2008


...Less ..erm, Random version from song above. This one with sequenced beats in way I wanted them. Less unpredictable, perhaps slightly more listenable... or then not.

-   0 162 plays
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