Shades Of Grey

S.A.D | 07.02.2008 | Industrial Metal
9.56   832 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Welcome here to the gates of freedom.
Glory, hope, justice, God's new kingdom.
Take your place in the line to redemption.
Open your eyes and see perfection.

Here we are born and here we'll die,
here we all lie and wonder why.
We are here to fade away,
blend again to the shades of grey.

Here we are born and here we'll die,
water in here doesn't turn to wine.
We are here to fade away,
blend again to the shades of grey.

Welcome here to the gates of despair.
Rise of the sun has never been seen here.
Do what you can to avoid damnation.
There's a prize for even salvation.


Once you are here, you're here to stay.
This is the prize you're here to pay.
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust,
You are here for your own lust.


(c) Miika Heinisuo


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harleyevo 23.02.2008
sairaan hyvän kuulonen biisi, industrial pohja on selkee. mutta samalla sopivasta perus hevi mättöö, väkisinkin rupee letti heilumaan.
0   +1 +2
tuuttitinke 21.02.2008
kyllä se vaan on kiva kun pojat tekee MUSIIKKIA jaksaa vanhakin paremmin t.tinke
0   +1 +2
tuuttitinke 20.02.2008
musiikki on saatanan hyvää voi soittaa jopa ROKU.MC:llä
0   +1 +2
anathekid 20.02.2008
yksinkertaisesti aivan SAATANAN kova biisi
0   +1 +2

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