Personal favourite from the past and albums Surrounded and Fullscope - 2001
One of the favourite tracks from the past. And it was also joy to compose. From Surrounded and Fullscope - 2001
Another favourite from the past. Very moody and peaceful track. From Surrounded and Fullscope - 2001
Track from Mindfields and Fullscope. Again very joyable to play and compose.. Nice jamming while making this track. Drums are from Jomox Airbase99 (analog sounds, filtered stuff, etc) and sampler (no loops). 2002
Over 13 minutes and three different parts played together. It took quite long time to finish it. From album Overflow - 2002
End track from Mindfields and Fullscope. Main sounds from Yamaha AN1x and Waldorf Pulse - 2002
I was quite happy with song besides the drums. I had problems with the sampler so had to use sounds from synths and Machinedrum. Includes solo part played with Yamaha AN1x - 2004
The oldest track I dared to share. It's from Surrounded and Fullscope - 1999
Quite long track from 2002/2003. There is two parts (ambient/electro) inspired by playing with Roland Jupiter 6 and Juno 106. There is some sound experiencing with those synths.
Simple jamming track from 2003. Solo sounds played live with Roland SH-09. Also some nice sounds from Clavia Nord Lead 2.
Experimenting in 2002 mostly with Roland Juno 106, Roland Jupiter 6 and Access Virus B. From album Mindfields - 2002
Experimenting in 2002 mostly with Roland Juno 106, Roland Jupiter 6 and Access Virus B. Panned "SID" sound is from Elektron Sidstation. From album Mindfields - 2002