

Tein tämän kun olin psykoosissa ja luulin olevani joku Jumalasta seuraava.

0.00   249 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

I am your champion
I passed all your tests
Battle after battle I come through victorious
No one shall look me in the face
Unless I please so

I have done my duty
Fulfilled a contract I didn't even sign
But I have paid a price
I'm a monster of my own kind now

Where are the eyes that can see me
In my raw, torn nudity
Where's the one that's not afraid of me
The white knight

I need a person as hard as steel
As luminent as the sun
A white knight that's battled the demons
With eyes like stars lightyears away
Who can see the dark side of the moon
And will not shiver at the sight of my soul


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Kostiainen 24.10.2016
Onpa hämyisää menoa. Nykivää. Rummut jarruttavat etenemistä. Taidetta. Sanoituksestahan en ymmärrä hölkäsenpöläystä.
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