16+4+16+4 bars.
Composition by Low Mike| You're alowed to download and use. You're not allowed to sell.
Säv. Mikke Man|16+16+8 tahtia.
Saa ladata ja käyttää. Ei saa myydä.
Composition by Low Mike|16+8+16+8 bars
You're alowed to download and use. You're not allowed to sell.
Säv. Low Mike|16+4+16 bars.
You're allowed to download and use. You're not allowed to sell.
Säv. Low Mike|16+8 bars.
You're alowed to download and use. You're not allowed to sell.
Säv. Low Mike| 16+4+16+8 bars.
You're allowed to download and use. You're not allowed to sell.