The worlds greatest little music factory from Porvoo, Finland
The music of Antti Suopajärvi along with lyrics and musical support from lovely wife Titta Suopajärvi.
Antti Suopajärvi: Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Harmonica, Keyboards, Programming and Arrangements
Titta Suopajärvi: Vocals, Keyboards
The first album released in june 2007 officially and it is called SKY, SEA AND BAY
Us two have made and played music for a long time. Titta began to play ever since she was a small girl, at first with old fashioned one fingered chord keyboard device then switched to violin. She also plays the guitar as she has taken some lessons as well. She really is a multi-instrumentalist. She truly can play many instruments and can easily play up to 10 chords on any instrument with a small orientation. Later she made her own recordings by a c-cassette player while playing the piano and sing. She has also been teaching the piano later on. She has also been singing in various choirs, not to mention that she has also been studying singing in a conservatory. In 2003 she joined a band called Spark which made numerous gigs and in early 2005 the band name changed to Part7 in these two bands she played the keyboards and did lead and backing vocals. The Part7/Spark got a new bass player in December 2004. The bass player was Antti Suopajärvi. Me. I have also a long history of making music and being in a band. I started with drums, then because of the noise, the drums were sold and as my mom told me I should change to an instrument which has a volume control. I changed to bass and got some lessons as well, but mainly I´m self-taught player and I play mostly by ear. My band mates introduced me some other instruments as well in early stage so I learned to play the guitar and keyboards as well. I started to sing a little later, and nowadays I consider me mostly backing vocals singer and most of all a bass player still. The band history is long. Sometimes I counted approximately 25 different groups I´ve played in.
We started to do music together in early 2006. I had some old stuff in the drawer but had some new ideas as well and after buying proper equipment to record own stuff we made the Sky, Sea and Bay record under the name Pumpkin. Titta has made lyrics with me and come up with great ideas to my songs as she can the music theory very well. The first record consists of songs which are originally made (some of them) ever since I was in the High School. The years the music originally comes from is between 1989-2007. Although the songs have got totally new clothes through the process.
Hope you enjoy the songs which can be downloaded free here at
Antti Suopajärvi - Kitara/Banjo/Mandoliini/laulu
Titta Suopajärvi - Laulu/Perkussiot
Näissä kappaleissa kaikki ohjelmoinnit ja orkestraatiot sekä Fender-bassot - Antti Suopajärvi
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