Kind music. International version of "Sisältäni popin löysin", the 2022 model.
Video with a new mix:
"Popin maa" -kokonaisuuden avausteos johdattaa meitä kohti popin ydintä, joka löytyy meidän jokaisen sisimmästämme, kun vain sitä etsimme.
Also in Popland, every teenager dreams of becoming very popular
Ths song by Ailiina duo is suspected unconstitutional in Popland because of aggression, but so far no charges have been filed.
The most famous girl duo of Popland called Aillina presents their song from the album Keesojen pop.
The final song of "Keesojen pop" album breaths the musical enchanting landscape of Popland.
Praise of pop icon life and about overcoming some of its drawbacks.
Even Kalevala tells how pop sampo brings joy and fortune also to Northland.
Pop leads you to a spiritual experience when you keep repeating the pop mantra.
Kaikille kuuluu oikeus soittaa, tehdä ja kuunnella musiikkia - pop takaa tämän eikä vaadi siihen koulutusta yms.
You can recall important moments of your life with the help of pop songs.
Pop on antanut lohdun, inspiraation ja rakkauden, kulkenut aina mukana vaikeuksien keskellä, mitä muuta ihminen enää voisi kaivata?
Opening work of Electric Popland praises brit pop factories of the 80's. Finches have sued Popfinger for unpaid presentation duties.
Leader of Progland thinks that this song hurts their citizens.
This song participated in the national song contest of Popland for popmpous pop ballads but it barely failed to reach the top 3.
The golden rule of pop: Love pop with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself
Ordered work for Popland's annual Pop Festival. According to a legend, Bach himself turned in his grave after hearing this song.