Modern Day Slavery

PIT MESSIAH | 12.05.2013 | Death/Thrash
0.00   156 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

it was decided
at the dawn of time
the answers were given
by the stranger "Ra"
it called itself
a social memory complex
a gathering of minds
that had realized

it came from the stars
they thought it was god
it came to tell
that all is one

embodiment of information
pyramids were built
exactly at the points
where the magnetic field bent
extraterrestial technology
infinite energy supply
teleportation and reincarnation
awakening of minds

but it all went wrong
teachings were disguised
hidden by the leaders
from the peoples eyes
never seen before
belief in a false prophecy
abusement of power
mankinds dark destiny

21st century
now is the time
the secret has grown too big
the people are starting to realize
hypnotized by the government
brainwashed to heresy
a materialistic society
modern day slavery

contaminated tap water
mind numbing liquid
lives restricted to patterns
to forget what is real

everyone shall see the one
connection that we're hidden from
exposed for those who seeks the truth
and questions out themselves

controlled by a screen
which everyone is forced to see
teached in the schools
false history of our roots
everything shall soon be unveiled
no-one can flee
so be prepared
meditation is the key


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