Suburban Lovestory
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-Suburban Lovestory- | Lyrics
We met in a local bar, you glimpsed at me from afar.
Then our eyes met and I knew there was something,
in the way you looked at me, and in the way you made me feel.
Then you smiled and told me you wanted to come over.
And when the city fell asleep, you were still there with me.
And if it's me that you want I'll be here waiting 'till my sun starts to fall down on me.
'n if you know I'll be around whenever your feeling down, then you'll know it's bigger.
We had the time of our lives, but now I'll only turn the knife,
if I think about the love we shared.
They say that love will conquer all, but I'm not too sure anymore.
Now I'm broken and I can't go on.
When the city fell asleep, you ran away from me.
And if it's me that you want I'll be here waiting 'till my sun starts to fall down on me.
'n if you know I'll be around whenever your feeling down, then you'll know it's bigger.
Why did you have to hurt me so, I've never felt so bad and used before. I know you're now with someone else and the thought of that makes me loose myself.
Don't let go...
And if it's me that you want I'll be here waiting 'till my sun starts to fall down on me.
'n if you know I'll be around whenever your feeling down, then you'll know it's bigger.