
Descend (demo version) 13.09.2024


† Descend †

Cast down again
into dreams of horror
decrepit fingers
smother the air
out of my lungs
as reality is crushed
in front of my eyes

A funeral procession
of my withering husk
a trail of dusty bones
lead the way toward salvation
all is dead
and death is all
into the void
I now shall fall

-   0 33 kuuntelua

Graveborn Homunculus (demo version) 13.09.2024


† Graveborn Homunculus †

With forbidden alchemy
and necromantic arts
the dark womb of unlife is opened
and through it I've been reborn
white eyes reflect disdain
and shadows whisper from the beyond
on this arduous path
of the burning black star

Walking through the gate
of the black sun
and the black moon
my soul is ignited
into a phosphorous flame
to ascend and to burn
eternally in the void
and for me to walk this earth
as a graveborn homunculus

Let the madness come
may my body rot
my soul I offer
for I am the key
to unlock the gates to eternal death

10   0 27 kuuntelua
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