Lady Mirage

Nivunen | 13.08.2011 | Heavy Metal

Tämä on eeppinen! Vääryyttä kokenut leidi palaa kostamaan miesten yhteiskunnalle, jossain lähellä idässä...

10.00   402 plays


She was faithful and so fine
Her lover claimed she's a filthy woman
a prostitute and dirty
no chance to clear her own name

Banished from the community
to the endless wasteland
out of water and shelter
drowned into the sea of sand

Lady Mirage
Powered by the abysmal might of Seth
Lady Mirage
paying back by swinging her hand of death

She is the sand so quick and soft
floats in the air so burning hot
She sends the hungry beasts at night
and blows away the guiding light

Like a wind she whispers in your ear
Your limbs are paralysed with fear
You've reached the point of no return
With a screaming flame you shall burn

Lady Mirage
Powered by the abysmal might of Seth
Lady Mirage
paying back by swinging her hand of death

Her luring voice misleads and then
She takes the souls of falling men
No way to run no way to flee
Just endless maze of misery

The desert echoes their pain
But they do not die in vain
they get what they deserve

There's no way out of this curse
The desert is full of bodies
The situation's getting worse
She's coming back
She's coming back
You know she's coming

There's no way out of this curse
The desert is full of bodies
The situation couldn't be worse
She's coming back
She's coming back
She's here


Lady Mirage
Powered by the abysmal might of Seth
Lady Mirage
paying back by swinging her hand of death

She is the sand so quick and soft
floats in the air so burning hot
She sends the hungry beasts at night
and blows away the guiding light

Like a wind she whispers in your ear
Your limbs are paralysed with fear
You've reached the point of no return
With a screaming flame you shall burn

The slaughter keeps on going
as long as women are persecuted
in their own sweet homeland
down in the heart of East

A patriarchal society
is going to learn it's final lesson
She snaps her fingers once more
Time for eternal war

Lady Mirage
Powered by the abysmal might of Seth
Lady Mirage
paying back by swinging her hand of death

She is the sand so quick and soft
floats in the air so burning hot
She sends the hungry beasts at night
and blows away the guiding light

Like a wind she whispers in your ear
Your limbs are paralysed with fear
You've reached the point of no return
With a screaming flame you shall burn

There's no way out of this curse
The desert is full of bodies
the situation's getting worse
She's coming back
She's coming back
You know she's coming

There's no way out of this curse
The desert is full of bodies
the situation couldn't be worse
She's coming back
She's coming back
She's here
She's coming back
She's coming back
She's here


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svedu269 17.02.2012
Tää on hyvä. Vanha heavy tulee mieleen,
+2   +1 +2
arska-69 03.01.2012
Aivan mahtavia biisejä teet.On niin hyviä et taidan Faniutua.
+2   +1 +2
BullHill mja 19.08.2011
mallikasta heavyrokkia retrotyylillä... nosti mieleen muistumia menneiltä ajoilta; Deep purple, Uriah Heep ym... hyvä rakenne ja sovitus tyylikkäällä soololla... soitto ja laulu sujuu mallikkaasti.. vahvat ja selkeät särösoundit kitaroissa ja muutkin soundit ovat ookoo... tykkäsin
+2   +1 +2
Majja 14.08.2011
Ihana mystinen itämainen meininki. Vaikka rytmissä tulee prokressiivista vaihtelua, niin piisissä on todella paljon rytmillistä ja lyyristä tarttumapintaa. Hiton hyvä soolo ja laulat upeasti :) Lyriikat ois kiva nähdä!
+2   +1 +2

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