Order Aletheia

Record Shop X Inverse Records

For more information about the band, future gigs, etc. click image below
Nihil Mortum website
Progressive Metal

Cursed Decade 13.09.2012


Second single from Aletheia (released 28.9.2012). Mixed and mastered @ SoundBunk-studios.

8.12   129 347 plays
Progressive Metal

Praised Be I 02.04.2012


First single from Aletheia, released 28.9.2012.
Mixed and mastered @ studio SoundBunk.

8.16   94 941 plays

Architectural Blasphemy 06.12.2009


The opening track of our 2009 EP.

Due to past drummer - related problems the album was recorded with software drums.

Mixed and mastered by Ville Virtanen. Recorded at Ville's studio Navetta.

7.92   54 741 plays

6/12/2007 06.12.2009


The second track of our 2009 EP.

Due to past drummer - related problems the album was recorded with software drums.

Mixed and mastered by Ville Virtanen. Recorded at Ville's studio Navetta.

8.25   15 546 plays
Alternative Metal

Masterpiece of Unknown Art 31.07.2011


The third track of our 2009 EP.

Due to past drummer - related problems the album was recorded with software drums.

Mixed and mastered by Ville Virtanen. Recorded at Ville's studio Navetta.

7.51   76 420 plays
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