Nevicate released their debut single ”Shattered” and its music video on the 10th of November in 2017. The single that reaches catchy but even progressive spheres includes profound keyboard arrangements and tritonal harmonic singing that create harmony to balance with the gritty guitar riffs. ”Shattered” is a blend of feminine power, masculine headbanging and melancholic moodiness.
The lyrics of ”Shattered” deal with locked-away feelings, wounds caused by negligence and eventually fragmentation of one’s self-image. "Shattered” is produced in collaboration with the production team from the Rock Academy -project that has had professionals from Finnish music industry as visiting mentors. The song is mixed by Nino Laurenne (i.a. Thunderstone & Lost Society) and mastered by Svante Forsbäck (i.a. Rammstein & Sonata Arctica).
The music video of "Shattered" can be watched on YouTube: