Nailgunner was founded by Toni Lötjönen in 2002, when he wanted to form a Slayer -coverband. He asked Simo Kukkonen and Jori Sara-aho to join in. When the first rehearsals finally took place in Joutseno the whole idea of a coverband was forgotten. Toni, Simo and Jori started to compose original material. Simo left the band shortly, but Jori and Toni continued building up their own thrash metal tunes. After some time Juha Lähde was recruited to bass and more songs were made. Finally Toni Huhtiniemi and Sami Kettunen joined the band, thus making Nailgunner a fully operational thrash metal killing machine. The first demo, called All life ends was made in 2004 kickstarting the band to pursue the the most brutal and catchy thrash metal sounds...
Sami Kettunen (V) , Janne Puranen (B) , Jori Sara-aho (D) , Jan-Erik Eskelinen (G) , Toni Lötjönen (G)
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Tsekkaa The Jasser Arafats, jos uskallat!! www.mikseri.net/artists/ thejasserarafats.102199. ph