Even If Your Head Is Empty
Aika perus lo-fi poppibiisi. Ei hifisteille.
Showcasessa on happy hours klo 00.00 - 15.00, jolloin sinne nostetut kappaleet saavat +25% lisää näkyvyysaikaa normaaliin verrattuna.
Mainosta kappaletta Mikserin etusivulla 3h 45min. Lähetä viesti:
MIKSERI MAINOS 236326 to 173172 (1,90€)
or mainosta krediiteillä.
do you hear the wind blow? do you know why it does? always in
a change, a mindless game, not easily played.
can you hear the heart beat? do you know why it does?
it´s a force within, don´t commit a sin, that´s a game I
don´t want you to play
When you go, go home tonight, don´t walk alone
even if your head is empty, your looks can be seen
they don´t know how to deceive (they tumble out to the sea)