MUN-GO's song for the Eurovision 2014 -song contest qualifications. The Idea is that, every country's problems are global, so only with worldwide co-operation we can win them. So forget your quarrels, give your hand for peace and join for the Good! :)
Come and help to push MUN-GO's Save The World -mass movement on the move, it's like a train:
- Hu Hu Huga-Tsaga Huga-Tsaga!
Have you every stopped to wonder, what you leave behind, when you leave this planet? Who will inherit you, your doings and undoings? If you haven't ever thought about it, during this song you have time. What is Your Legacy?
Mikä on parempaa kuin Seksi, Huumeet ja Rock'N'Roll?
Vastauksen kuulet tässä MUN-GOn Hyväntekeminen Elämäntavaksi -kampanjan tunnusbiisissä! :)
Lisää tietoa www.tehdäänhyvää.fi.
With Co-operation everything is possible! Let's join together the whole Humankind that consists from many different kinds of people. And let's make the World a better place for us all. Come along!
MUN-GO's most important song at this moment. Title means "Let's put a band together" and that is very crucial step for us to get project rolling. Hundreds of song ideas are waiting for a tight band to record, doing gigs and spreading the information about MUN-GO. A little indecent lyrics are tribute to the 80's music admire and maybe also a good test for our future bandmates.
"The Anthem of All Nature Protectors"
Beautiful and melodic, touching and strong song, which after it's hearing sparks a fire in an individual to do something for Our Nature.
The greatest obstacle for the co-operation of whole Humankind to save our world is our failing to understand each other. We fear, hate or ignore people and opinions that are different than us/ours. And because of that, through the history there has been terrible wars and huge quarrels.
Do you want change? Do you want good for everyone? Does your ego allow other views about reality than only yours? Are you ready to meet halfway?
- After listening this song maybe you do...
MUN-GOn uusi kesähitti!
Epävirallinen kesäkumibiisi, jossa puhutaan turvaseksin puolesta huumorilla. :)
Vanhaan klassikkoon The Battle Hymn Of Rebublic tehty uusi sanoitus. Myös Elvis on tehnyt kappaleesta oman versionsa nimellä American Trilogy. Meidän kappaleemme kertoo kuitenkin siitä, miten Suomi pelastetaan tulevaisuuden uhkakuvilta: JOUKKOLIIKKEELLÄ :)
A little summary of what MUN-GO-project is all about. Our first electronic song in the spirit of Pet Shop Boys, A-ha and Modern Talking.
One of a Kind Encouragement song: Long distance-runner Lasse Viren's heroic tale from the 1972 Mûnchen Olympics gives strength even this day to everyone who has fallen in life and been left behind of others.
Vaikka valtamedia syystä tai toisesta pimittää sinulta (ja meiltä) tietoa maailmaamme (ja Suomea) uhkaavista vakavista katastrofeista, jossain vaiheessa totuus kuitenkin sinulle paljastuu. Tällöin on tärkeää, ettei mene paniikkiin vaan ryhtyy toimimaan määrätietoisesti jälkikasvumme ja oman tulevaisuutemme pelastamiseksi. Täydellisiä ohjeita maailman pelastamiseksi on vaikea antaa, mutta toivottavasti tämä kappale auttaa sinut alkuun! Ota siis selvää asioista, mieti kaikkea kriittisesti ja levitä eteenpäin järkevinä pitämiäsi faktoja ja ehdotuksia herättääksesi...
Everyone is important. There is actually nothing more you need to know about the song.
Kysy itseltäsi kolme kysymystä: 1. Onko maailma niin hyvä ja reilu kaikille, ettei sitä tarvitse muuttaa? 2. Olisiko sinulla mitään annettavaa muiden hyväksi, jos niin haluaisit? 3. Miten joukkoliikkeet syntyvät?
A song in finnish language. Maybe you don't know the words, but you will understand the feeling. :) Rough translation into english after finnish lyrics
Work is work, whether it is physical or mental work. No-one comes to tell the labour of hard work how he should relax.
Don't take yourself so seriously! :)
Live like David Hasselhoff!
Shame is a good servant, but a lowsy master. You can always train yourself for better, but some things you can't change. Then it is best to accept yourself.
"Agaist no-one, but for everyone. Like MUN-GO, only for the good!"
Divorce, quarrels and wars have one thing in common: in all of them the innocent suffer the most.
We hope that hearing this song makes you see how important it is to stay impartial in every fight.
Kun voimat on ehtyneet ja on menettänyt kaiken mitä elämässä voi menettää, ei toivoa ole enää helppo nähdä. Silloinkin on hyvä tietää, että yksi asia voi muuttaa kaiken.
Name is translated about like "Dreams are something you must fulfill".
Song for the memory of our grandfather, who died in a motorcycle accident at the age of 80.
He always said: "You know, You must fulfill your dreams!"
At same time also a good reminder for us all about limitations of life and how important is to live life with full speed.
Then there is no need to regret all those things you left undone when you are older.
Nyt on muuten helkutinmoinen kiire. Jos meinaamme ennaltaehkäistä maapalloamme ja ihmisrotuamme uhkaavat tragediat, täytyy toimia heti. Ei oo aikaa miettiä, Nyt On Kiire!!!
Warning to all husslers and liars: In the spirit of AC/DC and Accept, MUN-GO's new song Truth Will Always Win will strike you down. Nothing and no-one can stop the truth.
Decreasing natural resources and increasing consuming is an untolerable equation. If we want to avoid the wars of oil, gas, water, food, metals and other raw materials, we have to learn a new more simplified way of life, where happiness comes from other things than materia.
So let us save the nature and spend instead the only natural resource that will never run out: The Love.
A song for the world peace. Lay down your guns and stop the useless wars. Same thing goes for both countries and normal citizens. MUN-GO's tribute to Guns N' Roses and RATT.
MUN-GO's first song, from the year 2007. One Chance tells about the need to show your skills and the pain of waiting that chance. The success in sports and life in general is not always totally up to oneselfe, so much is depending on luck. Even if you were totally awesome in some field of excellency, it makes no difference, if you do not have the chance to show your skills. And luck is something we can have zero effect on. Despite of this shitty fact, our only chance is to fight through the fires' of hell and work harder than anybody else and then maybe someday our hard work will be rewarded.
Every war must find an excuse to start it. As the cannon shots of Mainila in -39 and Saddam weapons of mass destruction are that same bullshit they are feeding us. And with those bullshit excuses they get also the approval of international community for every cause without critisism.
MUN-GO's first song thriving for the world peace. Also suitable for many other purpose too, because all of us have eyes closed, more or less.
The reality ain't always nice, but sometimes you have to face it or otherwise many people will suffer because of our lack of action.
The truth is many times found just outside the mainstream media.
Money is the reason for most of our doings, at least vicariously. Daily shortage of money is nothing compared to money's role in the declining of society and reason to start a war. Good servant has become a bad master. I hope this song rises an urge in you to find out how money controlls us with it's invisible strings. You can make a difference, if you want to!
Sometimes it is justified to use force to defend oneself or the closest ones. Many times the people with strength and power have very low bar to use violence. Whether it is about a man or a country, no-one will stand that kind of cowardly behaviour forever. If mama hasn't taught it, then life will teach it: Who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
ATTENTION! Only the chorus of the song is ready, help for finishing/composing the song is needed!
A song about the difficulty of life and the agony of making the dreams come true. The road is long, if you make it on your own. But the hardest thing is when you don't know if the finish line will ever come. This song is dedicated to all of those who fight against windmills, when assholes try to break you and nobody helps. If not for any other reason, we are gonna win this battle just to show those MFs!!!
"It's a long hard road if you make it on your own, but you can make it for sure, I know, and you know it too!"
A story about a little boy, who had to grow up without a father. How to survive in the brutal world, when you don't have the support or safety, or even the role model to be a man.
Victory and defeat are very close at each other. Who can spit out all the blood, and who will give up just before the end line. Even talent and other skills have a huge impact, in life the most important thing is the right attitude. With tough attitude it is possible to compensate any flaws, in the end the mental capacity counts. Even in tremendous pain, push up one more repetition, get up even when you are tired and go out to train even in the rain.