That Bird's Just the Thing

Mielensyöverit | 13.04.2007 | Modern Jazz

Tein tälläsen rallin tuossa äsken. Yhdistelin kokemuksia lähimenneisyydestä ja fiktiota. Kitara on aika yksinkertainen (miltei) kinks-kopio. Arvaa biisi, voita tikkari! Tässä laulu muista poiketen englanniksi...Tähän muodostui nyt sitten kertosäekin. Ehkä laitan uudemman äänityksen jossain vaiheessa.

0.00   217 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

I was trying to find her in the middle of nothing
when i noticed she had left behind her favourite earring
and everyone i met into looked just like that woman
and every little thing i was in the street reminded me of her

She blows my mind away
and she's just the thing i have been trying to find anyway
i cannot think a thought about her that would be sad
even when she thinks i do and even when i'm mad

There are many fish in the sea but only one bird
who dares to take a swim and explore a whole new world
if you don't even look at your cards it's pointless to say
that you have lost the whole damn game


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