Juha: Rumpujen ohjelmointi, kitara
Jere: Kitara, basso
Säv.: Jere
Sov.: Jere & Juha
Mando: Li, Andersson
Bas: So, Wesley
Kita: Ra, Sun
Ca: Jon, Hellevig
Shak: Er, Yart
Stin: Heli
Voc: Al, Shabaab
Miksaus: Deaf, Leopard
Masterointi: ??
Sävellys, sanoitus & sovitus: Omaa tuotantoa (itse)
the song begins at 1:10 for some reason. not willing to fix it, but hey: new drum mics
Couple of crappy ideas combinated. Six channel of drums, three channels including bass, guitar and keyboards
Tämän sävletämiseen meni suunnilleen sen verran aikaa, kuin biisi kestää. T:jere
a pap from summertime. juha helpoed me to make a chorus, I played the instruments
Mainly composed by juha. juha played keyboards, strings, etc. I played the rest
Nothing but a crap. I really need some metronome. i should work out with playing instruments