Words From My Heart

Mark Temple | 27.02.2012 | Akustinen

Back against the wall.
Listening the ticking of the clock.
Another day goes by.
Giving my autograph.
I see the line of people but,
my hand is too tired to write.
I can't be myself, i'm too famous
and people want me to be someone else.
How some fool like me,
can get as much money as you can ever spend.

Life is too short, life is too long.
We are here on our own.
Time goes faster the older you get.
So soon you will be dead.

Life in africa is everyday survival,
while we waste water like time.
Think once, no think twice!
Are you really grateful that you're still alive?
I want to be millionaire,
but it won't work so might as well be poor instead.
Sometimes life gets tough at that time
i just want to cut my wrists and yell like hell!

Light the candle, drink some wine.
Someday all is going to be fine.
Live a long life, have a good time.
Maybe time is on your side.

When you are all alone, do you wish that you could fly away?
These words comes from my heart, i think, that i've lost my spark

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