Drove whole summer without the brakes. So hard to stop for you,
or enybody else,
yellow in windshield, turns into red.
I drove whole summer without the brakes X 2 ...with out the brakes.
It was rainy noon or night, suddenly the wipers died.
Couldn`t see the neibourhood,like i driving a showerbooth.
So I drove whole summer without brakes. Without wipers ,Without brakes,
Without brains.
Fallen leaves in the street. I better fix my car,
I know it is kind of stupid to push your luck too far.
I ain`t got time to stop now, I got to get to you.
I drove whole summer without brakes x2...wipers...without a brake.
I drove whole summer without brakes. I had it all just what it takes.
So close so many times I almost lost my life.
Trust me, I know what I`m doing. I`m driveing fine.
I drove whole summer without brakes...x2 ...wipers...brains.
"Something you said about the brakes??????"
By H.Heiskanen