"We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent."
Death is the end of life
It is the ultimate destruction
Of a human mind
It is our oldest enemy
It is our vilest enemy
It is the enemy inside us
And in the end
It is our only real enemy
Evolution is a process
That uses death as its fuel
It is a merciless child
Of natural logic
It defines all life
And it needs death
Because evolution has
A habit of favoring itself
It has created a tool
To make sure we die
As soon as convenient
For its cold algorithm
The ultimate sickness
That eats us from inside
It deforms our bodies and minds
And eventually,
Just kills us
With science and technology
We can change this
We can take our evolution
Into our own hands
We can, and we will
Conquer death
Eternal life
Awaits those
Who are ready to fight for it
"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."