Hello, how are you? Is it too late to call?
I tried to sleep but I'm thinking of us and the times we had it all.
People change. Love can fade. When tomorrow comes I'll be okay.
But it's so much harder every time I close my eyes.
Every single night shows me our old times.
Love me back. This last time. Hard to realize. You're not mine.
Once more. Like before.
Dance with me tonight. It's time. It's our song. It's our night.
We've been there. Together.
Sometimes the love will die but it's so hard to say goodbye.
Our last summer was the best I've ever had.
Now those times are the thing of the past.
We stayed out every night.
I'll show you the stars. Show me the light.
No one tells you when you'll see the final show.
When you know it isn't better to stay than go.
Our last night you said it right: Love will die without a fight.
The world calls your name.
Somewhere... there's someone.