Bill Skins Fifth: Stormbound

Walls of grief around me
Surroundings overflow illness
These noises, a wrath over and inside my head
Razor sharp pain takes me to the edge
All I can do is wait...

For the storm to arrive
Rain will wash my grief away and purify what's left to be saved
And if the rain won't come I shall finally be free and forgotten

Kaksin käsin tartun, oven edessäni avaan
Luon katseeni helvettiin
Sade pyöristänyt kulmat
Terävät hionut pois

Mustaan lumeen, jäiseen maahan kaadun vailla tietoa
Ei sade tuonutkaan hyvää, teki pahasta vain kauniimman

Sekoittuu veri veteen, maailma on tulessa taas
Feenixlintu tuhkaan hukkuu
Hermot raunioilla, raajat rakoilla odotin vain parempaa
Sade petti lupaukset
Sai minut vajoamaan

Sacret soul so far from perfection
Another wasted life praying for tomorrow
I begged for god, I begged for grace
I begged him to let his tears rain on me

Did the rain extinguish the fire?
Did it left you from your sorrow?
Was it any good for you?
Or did it just make you wanna drown yourself?