(Music & Lyrics: Teemu/IrmaG)
I'm gonna get drunk and nasty
and pretend I'm kinda wild
I'll create a little illusion
that I'm someone of your kind
I can play the parts unwanted
I can be your one-night whore
And I'll do it just for nothing
and 'cause I hate to be bored
There are no bridges burnt
There are no lessons learnt
Just for the fuck of it,
we can fall for anything
and nothing means a thing
All for the fuck of it
So, honey, would you join me
- wanna sleep with me tonight?
I can let you use my body
Just do whatever you like
We get nothing in return
and it's more than we'd deserve
Just for the fuck of it,
we can pass out skin to skin
- what is there to lose or win?
All for the fuck of it
[1st chorus]
[2nd chorus]