Regret ash down the feet.
Repair ass to the hard feed.
Payment calls - hold and hold.
At the end it all came down in magic.
Kneel down the ash you will be.
And now repair the hurt.
Emergency calls your ass.
At the end it all came down.
Genuine keys chains the cocks.
Keys changes the sex.
Genuine keys chains the cocks.
Keys changes the sex.
Genuine keys chains the cocks.
Keys changes the sex.
Genuine keys chains the cocks.
Virus wondering how to have a voluptuous.
Not happening - but hold and hold.
Artificial cellophane beams.
I do not know what to do with it.
Get it pure, get it right and get rid of it.
Black and white striped.
After every deletion it comes back again and again.
Deletion is a rebirth I rot inside out.
Earthworm and I am a dwelling.
Snake you black and white!
And every time it rains
Or shadows abrogate the daylight
Snake let itself of to spoil the afternoon.
Cock screams to be completed.
Cocks creams complete.
To get gristle
To get callus
To get her in order.
Of its spiritual habit
Marvel comes alive in physics.